Secluded Luxury at the Legendary Hotel Bel-Air

While the Beverly Hills Hotel is the place to see and be seen, it’s sister property, the Hotel Bel-Air, is known as the place to…

AG Reviews: Hotel Magdalena, Austin

For the final stop of a two-week US road trip from Chicago, fuelled by tacos, brunches and blues, we chose a city that seems to…

Staying at The Pink Palace: The Beverly Hills Hotel

The Beverly Hills Hotel, also known as the “Pink Palace” due to it’s pink exterior, is undoubtedly the most iconic hotel in Los Angeles. Built…

Whalespotting at The Marine Hotel, South Africa

Hermanus is a charming coastal resort with some of the best land-based whale watching in the world, surrounded by spectacular natural beauty, the ocean, majestic…

AG Reviews: 100 Queen’s Gate Hotel, Kensington

“One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.” ― Sir Alexander Fleming The former home of Victorian aristocrat and explorer, William Alexander, this 1870s…

Redefining Camping: Canvas Collective Africa

Canvas Collective Africa is redefining camping, conjuring magical destinations in wild places that leave no footprints, with guests being blown away by the the fabulous…

A Thalassophile’s Dream: Tintswalo Atlantic, South Africa

Simply being in a beautiful setting away from the normal pressures of home and work, soaking up the sounds, scents, and visuals, breathing in all…

AG Reviews: Varsity Hotel & Spa Cambridge

  “At Cambridge, it was the weirdest culture. Everyone pretended they didn’t do any work, yet it was so competitive.” ― Naomie Harris Colleges, culture,…

AG Reviews: Jack’s Camp, Botswana

For a real adventure in an unreal world, head to the Iconic Jack’s Camp and Surround yourself in the old world glamour of the 40s…