Embrace The 4 Latest Wellness Trends for a Healthier You

luxury wellness trends

Now that summer is approaching, our thoughts have turned to how we can feel healthier during it. Those in the know are taking a novel approach to tackling this problem and are utilizing the latest wellness trends to help them look and feel better.

Leslie Kenny, founder of luxury anti-aging supplement brand Oxford Healthspan shares some of her favourites.

1. Ka’atsu Bands

We all know the benefits of toning up, but getting that look isn’t something you can buy. There is, however, a shortcut to building muscle, six-pack or otherwise, and it’s a well-kept secret of Olympic athletes like Team USA silver medalist, Stephen McCain, and Japanese centenarians alike.

They all use the Ka’atsu device from Japan which allows you to safely use blood flow restriction to quickly build muscle. The technique is simple: attach the bands to the top of your arms or legs and begin the cycle of constriction and relaxation that will
momentarily trap and then release blood in each limb. This sends a signal to the brain that you have ‘injured’ your muscles by lifting something heavy when in fact you haven’t.

The pituitary will then leap into action and release Growth Hormone to repair those muscles, but with no injury to fix, the Growth Hormone will be used instead to build muscle. The Ka’atsu costs US$1000 but is so popular that it’s actually been sold out since January.

2. PulsePEMF

Pulsed electromagnetic frequency mats have been in use in Germany for decades. They release a gentle electromagnetic frequency to relax the body and help stimulate repair. But at the top end of the market is the PulsePEMF device which can also
actually ‘exercise’ muscles.

This has benefits for those who are unable to take time out of a busy schedule to hit the gym but can also exercise muscles in hard-to-reach areas such as the pelvic floor, where it can address issues of incontinence – something women face postpartum and everyone can face as they get older (think extra middle-of-the-night wake ups).

Like many high-end biohacking devices, this was originally used to speed up rehabilitation in racehorses before coming to the luxury consumer market. At US$40,000 a device, it’s not necessarily for everyone’s at-home spa, but you can try it out at specialized clinics around the world.

3. Spermidine supplements

If you haven’t heard of spermidine yet, the first thing you’re thinking is probably…sperm-a-what? Spermidine is a natural polyamine we produce in our tissues and gut biome when young, but as with most things as we age, our ability to produce it declines.

That’s not good news from an anti-aging perspective, because spermidine induces autophagy – our body’s cellular “clean up” process, and it also slows 9 of the 12 Hallmarks of Aging, including stem cell dysfunction, gut microbiome disturbance, and inflammation. These are the pathways through which we age and they are responsible for some of the stray grays, brain fog and bad sleep that seem to be a package deal when you hit 50.

Increasing spermidine intake, through food and supplements, can boost your beauty sleep, give your hair better volume, texture, sheen, and, in some cases, even color, boost collagen and elastin in skin and keratin in nails. These are only the external
benefits reflective of the cellular renewal occurring within. Food-derived and premium spermidine supplement Primeadine, by Oxford Healthspan, is beloved by celebrities like Kelly Rutherford from Gossip Girl, James Van Der Beek from Dawson’s Creek and British TV star Carol Vorderman.

Its pure, food-derived ingredients are sourced exclusively from Japan, including the longevity Blue Zone of Okinawa, which has the largest concentration of healthy centenarians in the world and is home to the world’s longest-lived women. It is available at US$90 for a 1 month’s supply, or you can bundle up and save. If the regenerative powers of the molecule aren’t enough to capture your interest, the artisanal Japanese storage vessel that the Primeadine Original powder comes in might. These are sustainably hand crafted from the bark of wild cherry trees that are only harvested once a year in the rainy season from trees that are at least 80 years old. It is only these older trees that are capable of regeneration; with a little spermidine, this could be you too!

4. Blue light blocking glasses

We all know that one of the best ways to get great looking skin begins with a solid night’s sleep, but good sleep is increasingly elusive due to the high amount of blue light we are exposed to from digital devices. It’s well known that exposure to blue light early in the morning helps set our Circadian rhythm, but chronic exposure that extends past dusk is disruptive and actually decreases our body’s ability to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.

I love VivaRays, blue light-blocking glasses that allow you to be stylish all the while protecting your eyes and body from too much blue light at the wrong time. The base pair of VivaRays are clear prescription lenses (to allow your eyes to get sufficient oxygen). You simply layer a pair of yellow- or red-tinged frames onto the magnetised base to adjust for light exposure and time of day. And unlike the early versions of these glasses, you’ll look more like an incognito rock star than a red-eyed bug. VivaRays Sunkist Clip ‘N’ Go 3 in 1 Blue Light Blockers are available online for US$297.

Embrace the latest wellness trends

The arrival of summer serves as a reminder to prioritize our health and wellness. Embracing the latest wellness trends can unlock new opportunities for looking and feeling our best. Whether it’s leveraging advanced muscle-building techniques, embracing cutting-edge technologies, incorporating spermidine supplements into our routine, or safeguarding ourselves from the harmful effects of blue light, the path to a healthier lifestyle is paved with exciting possibilities. Let us embark on this journey together, rejuvenating our bodies and revitalizing our spirits in preparation for the vibrant days ahead.

Thank you to Leslie Kenny for sharing her favourite luxury wellness trends

Jenna Downes
Jenna Downes

Jenna Farmer is a freelance journalist and blogger. She writes regularly for Top Sante, The Independent and Metro Online- as well as running her own blog A Balanced Belly about gluten-free, healthy travels and her pregnancy journey.

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